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How Much Tvp Equals 1 Pound of Beef

I'm interested in trying textured vegetable protein (TVP) flakes. I already use the Morningstar Farms and Boca Burger brands, but thought maybe the flakes might give me a little more bang for my buck. Does anyone know if there's a standard conversion, like a cup of flakes (before adding water) will equal 1lb. of ground beef?

By Jessica from Waukesha, WI

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June 24, 2009 0 found this helpful

TVP comes in flakes and small chunks. I have used in spagetti, chilli, tacos, meatloaf, hamburgure helper. When a receipe calls for 1 lb of ground beef I use about 1/4 pound and take a cerel bowl and put the small chunks (I like those) and cover with warm water. When I'm making chilli, spagetti and the like I let this set while my ground beef is cooking. Then when the meat is cooked I add the TVP to the meat mixture and brown just a little more letting the fat absorb a little (keeps the flavor). My huband has never noticed the difference and I have never told him. He has high cholestrol and high blood pressure and sneaks fried chicken so I combat his "habit" the best I can. In my spagetti and meat loaf I also grind up a little carrot very fine. I sneak in these items and he does not have a clue.

June 24, 2009 0 found this helpful

I've never tried to convert for beef, just sort of do it by "feel". My daughter is vegetarian, and the TVP is a great substitute for ground meat. I jsut make the base recipe up to the point where I would add meat. Then I set aside a portion for her and add the reconstituted TVP, and add the meat for the rest of us. If my husband is not home, I just give us all the TVP. It is not the same as the meat, but is quite good. It takes on the flavor of whatever you mix it with.

If you are unsure about amount (as it varies by size of the "pieces" of TVP and the grade of ground beef that you use), next time you cook ground beef, measure the yield after it is cooked and drained; then mix about a cup of TVP per package directions and see how it compares.

TVP is much cheaper at a bulk food store or a health food store than at the grocery store.


June 25, 2009 1 found this helpful

Vegetarian sloppy joes are perfect for vegetarian or vegan kids! Sloppy joes are fun (and messy!) to eat, and kids love them for lunch, picnics or dinner. This vegetarian sloppy joes recipe is made from TVP (textured vegetable protein) instead of meat and is both vegetarian and vegan.

* 2-3 tbsp olive oil
* 1 onion, diced
* 1 green or red bell pepper, diced
* 1 1/2 cups vegetable broth
* 2 1/2 cups tomato sauce
* 1 tbsp chili powder
* 1 tbsp soy sauce
* dash hot sauce or Tabasco sauce (optional)
* 1 tbsp sugar
* 1 1/2 cups T.V.P
* salt and pepper to taste
* 5-6 hamburger buns

In a large skillet, saute the onion and peppers in olive oil for 3 to 5 minutes, or until onions are soft.

Reduce heat to medium low and add the remaining ingredients (except buns) and stir well to combine. Allow to simmer for at least 15 more minutes.

Spoon onto hamburger buns and serve hot.

You use equal parts water/flavored broth to the TVP
The richer the broth the better the flavor. I use different kinds flavors, BBQ sauce
Just experiment and have fun seeing what you come up with.

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June 25, 2009 0 found this helpful

I've successfully used TVP "discretly" for over fifteen years and to this day my family still doesn't know.

Reconstitute TVP with boiling water in equal amounts and allow to sit about 10 minutes before adding to the meat. Note: 1/2 cup dry TVP after reconstituting TVP equals one pound of hamburger.

Recipes calling for 1lb hamburger in "loose" forms such as casseroles, spaghetti, chili, tacos, sloppy joes I use 1/2 cup of dry TVP. I fry hamburger, drain, & rinse the with boiling water as I need to decrease the fat content as much as possible. I freeze loose 2 cups which then equals one pound of hamburger. It is such a blessing to have the meat prepped to quickly assemble a recipe.

For patties, meatballs, & meatloaf I use 1/4 cup of dry TVP, thereby extending one pound amounts to give me 1 1/2 pounds of "meat". I do use ground round since again I'm need to have less fat. I go ahead and shape and freeze these type of meals raw; unthaw in refrigerator when I need to use, and proceed from there.

When I stumble upon a great sale I have a hamburger prep day, fry/freeze in 2 cup portions OR "goosh" into the needed shapes and freeze. I can't hardly recall doing it any other way, a huge time and dollar saver.

I would suggest you start with something that is a family favorite that is easier to "hide" when introducing such as casserole, spaghetti, &/or chili or meatballs or meatloaf as you are already adding bread or cracker crumbs for example. I can't even find it in there myself and I know it is in there!

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Archive: Recipes Using TVP

I have 6 kids and I need to start trying to shave my grocery bill even more. It has been suggested that I consider supplementing meat recipes with TVP (textured vegetable protein). I remember my mom using that as a kid, but not very much.

Are there any recipes that I can use. My kids range in age from 11 yrs to 5 months old. These recipes need to be kid-friendly, fast, and "discreet", meaning I don't want my kids to suddenly become picky-eaters because of something "weird" they find in their food. Any help? Thanks in advance.

Imama2many from UT


Recipes Using TVP

Here's a recipe for vegetarian chili which is wonderful. I've served it at church and school functions, and it is always gone quickly. I am amazed at the number of meat eaters that really like this chili recipe.

  • 2-1/2 c raw kidney beans
  • 1 cup textured vegetable protein
  • 1 cup tomato juice
  • 4 cloves of garlic, crushed or minced
  • 1-1/2 cups chopped onion
  • 1 cup chopped carrots
  • 2 cup fresh tomatoes
  • juice of half a lemon
  • 1 tsp cumin
  • 1 tsp basil
  • 1 tsp chili powder
  • salt and pepper
  • 3 Tbsp tomato paste
  • dash of cayenne, if desired
  • olive oil for sauteing (about 3 Tbsp)

Put kidney beans in a saucepan and cover them with water. Soak them for three to four hours. Rinse and return to saucepan with fresh water and 1 tsp salt. Cook until tender (about one hour). Drain extra water off and set beans aside.

Heat tomato juice to a boil. Pour over textured vegetable protein. Cover and let stand at least 15 minutes. Saute onion and garlic in olive oil. Add carrots and cook until tender. Mix all ingredients together and heat through.

Serve with cheese and parsley. (01/09/2008)

By Tina from Ashland

Recipes Using TVP

If you mix it 50/50 kids will like it, we used it all the time in the school cafeteria that I worked in, and they didn't know the difference. Also, to the ones who were wanting to know where to buy it, if you have any Amish grocery stores near you they sell it there, I buy it all the time and it is cheap. (01/10/2008)

By Peggy

Recipes Using TVP

Sally Fallon's recipe book, "Nourishing Traditions" does not recommend it because it is processed, has lost many of its natural nutrients, and then is flavored with chemical flavorings. (01/10/2008)

By Coreen Hart

Recipes Using TVP

Try the book called "Deceptively Delicious", it is written by Jerry Seinfeld's wife, I think her name is Jessica. You and all your kids will love the recipes.

Good Luck

Donna from Victoria B.C. (01/10/2008)

By donna

Recipes Using TVP

Any way you can cook crumbled hamburger or sausage, you can substitute TVP. You can go half and half like suggested, then change the proportion to 1/4 meat and 3/4 TVP. After a while, you can go all TVP. Rehydrate the TVP in water or broth. Then fry it with seasonings in a skillet. I like taco seasoning, tomato sauce and Italian seasoning, chili powder, curry powder, brown gravy mix, etc.

I even make "sausage" for breakfast burritos with TVP. Soak the TVP in chicken broth, then fry it with a little oil, some beef bouillon, sage, salt and pepper. Even my die-hard meat eater hubby likes it. (01/13/2008)

By samaree

Recipes Using TVP

TVP is great stuff and it's dirt cheap. Try this recipe, it's a little plain but my kids love it.


  • 1 1/2 cups pasta, elbow macaroni dry
  • 1 cup textured vegetable protein granules dry
  • 3 tablespoons onion dried, minced
  • 2 tablespoons parsley leaves dried
  • 1 teaspoon oregano dried
  • 1 teaspoon thyme dried
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt

Directions: Combine all ingredients, and store in an sir-tight jar or plastic

Attach these instructions: To prepare, pour one 28-oz can
tomatoes with juice into a large skillet or saucepan. Crush the tomatoes, add 2 cups water, and bring to a boil. Add macaroni and TVP Skillet Mix. Simmer, covered, for 15 minutes, or until macaroni is tender, stirring occasionally to prevent sticking. Add more water if necessary. If you like, add 1 cup frozen peas during last 5 minutes of cooking.


By Lilly

Recipes Using TVP

I use TVP in chili and vegetable soup.


  • 2 Tbsp olive oil
  • 1 diced onion
  • 1 28 oz can tomatoes
  • 2 15 oz cans kidney beans, drained
  • 1/2 cup TVP
  • 1/4 cup chili powder

Saute onions. Add the remainder of ingredients. Simmer for at least two hours. The longer it simmers the better.


  • 1/2 cup carrots
  • 1/2 cup celery
  • 1 onion diced
  • fresh or canned green beans and corn(15 oz can)
  • diced potatoes
  • 1 15 oz can kidney beans
  • 1 cup of cabbage or more
  • 1 28 oz can tomatoes
  • 3 15 oz cans vegetable broth

Saute onions in olive oil. Add the remainder of ingredients and simmer for a couple of hours.
Hope that helps, Celia


By Celia

Recipes Using TVP

All the comments on how expensive TVP is only correct if you shop in expensive specialty store. I buy mine in the bulk section of both of the local chain grocery stores. Very in expensive. (12/17/2008)

By Leslee in Alaska

where to get it

I buy mine from the Asian grocery, Its in the vegetarian section and only has the label "Thit Chay" (Vietnamese I think) but its great, and like $2 per lb or something. (02/19/2009)

By inti
